SIR James Lancaster diutus oleh Ratu Elizabeth ke Aceh pada tahun 1602. Dia ditugaskan mengikat perjanjian dagang dengan Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam. Saat itu, Kerajaan Aceh dipimpin Sultan ‘Ala ad-Din Riayat Syah Sayyid al Mukammil.
Perjanjian dagang ini berhasil disepakati kedua belah pihak dengan sedikit keuntungan yang diperoleh Inggris. Kisahnya diterbitkan oleh Purchas dan Foster pada tahun 1940; The voyages of Sir James Lancaster to Brazil and the East Indies.
Berikut isi surat dagang antara Sultan Aceh dengan Ratu Elizabeth seperti yang dikutip dari tulisan Dennys Lombard dalam buku berjudul Kerajaan Aceh; Zaman Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636) :
“I am the reigning sovereign of these (countries) below the wind, holding the throne of the kingdom of Acheen and Sumatra and all the countries subject to Acheen. All ye who scan this letter shall (do so) with good will and peace, and listen to the words which it contains and understand them all.
It has been my pleasure to declare for your information as follows:-- I have made friends with the King of England’s people, as ye are friends with all the rest of mankind in the world; and ye shall do them good, as ye do good to the rest of men. For I do good to them and I receive them into my country and receiver their gifts, and I look upon them favourably, for that I desire to do good to all his people, I am treating well those who have now come herafter. I have pledged my faith to those who come to Acheen and Sumatra, so that they shall no longer be afraid for their ships and their possessions and all the valuables which they bring, and they shall not be afraid or suspicious of me. And as for all of you may people, when they shall bring any valuables from their country to this country of mine, ye shall buy and sell with them, and shall exchange your valuables for any valuables of theirs; even as ye trade and exchange with other people by their charters from all the foreigners for trading and buying pepper and buying other valuables, so shall ye trade with the English people and shall buy and sell.
And the English People, if they desire protection in my country, whatever their desire may be, I approve of it. And if they desire to sail away from my country. I approve; let no one forbid them thus to sail. But if anyone has any claim upon them, or if they are indebted to anyone, let them not sail until they have paid or until the judge has decided their cases; and when their cases are decided, they may sail. Now as for this order which I command, for trading and buying and selling with the valuables which they have brought to my country, let them no longer fear of suspect. And ye shall not take tithes from any of the merchants who are in their ships, nor from any of the English people.
And as for all the English people who come to my country and anchor their ships in the sea of Acheen and in Sumatra and in the countries subject ot Acheen, if a storm comes down upon their ships and they are afraid that their ships will be wrecked for the violence of the storm, should they desire to discharge all the ships cargo, and request assistance from you, asking for small vessels and sampans to discharge all the valuables in the ships which are about to be wrecked for the violence of the storm, ye shall assist them to discharge their valuables as far as possible. And when their valuables reach the shore, ye shall restore the valuables to those that own them. If they voluntarily give you anything due to you for discharging the above – mentioned valuables, ye shall receive it.
And if anyone of the English people shall die, and while he is sick unto death shall give an order to anyone to send his possessions and the possessions of the people whom (which?) he has brought, and shall order them to be delivered to his relatives and to the owners of the possessions, ye shall hold his will valid. And if anyone of the English people shall die, his property shall go to some English merchant, or to some other merchant; the property shall be determined as belonging to the person, his associate in trade and buying and selling; ye shall give judgment according to the law of the country.
And if any Englishman go to law, their charges being one against the other of against some other person, ye shall give judgment according to the laws of the pople ot the country.”
Perjanjian dagang ini berhasil disepakati kedua belah pihak dengan sedikit keuntungan yang diperoleh Inggris. Kisahnya diterbitkan oleh Purchas dan Foster pada tahun 1940; The voyages of Sir James Lancaster to Brazil and the East Indies.
Berikut isi surat dagang antara Sultan Aceh dengan Ratu Elizabeth seperti yang dikutip dari tulisan Dennys Lombard dalam buku berjudul Kerajaan Aceh; Zaman Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636) :
“I am the reigning sovereign of these (countries) below the wind, holding the throne of the kingdom of Acheen and Sumatra and all the countries subject to Acheen. All ye who scan this letter shall (do so) with good will and peace, and listen to the words which it contains and understand them all.
It has been my pleasure to declare for your information as follows:-- I have made friends with the King of England’s people, as ye are friends with all the rest of mankind in the world; and ye shall do them good, as ye do good to the rest of men. For I do good to them and I receive them into my country and receiver their gifts, and I look upon them favourably, for that I desire to do good to all his people, I am treating well those who have now come herafter. I have pledged my faith to those who come to Acheen and Sumatra, so that they shall no longer be afraid for their ships and their possessions and all the valuables which they bring, and they shall not be afraid or suspicious of me. And as for all of you may people, when they shall bring any valuables from their country to this country of mine, ye shall buy and sell with them, and shall exchange your valuables for any valuables of theirs; even as ye trade and exchange with other people by their charters from all the foreigners for trading and buying pepper and buying other valuables, so shall ye trade with the English people and shall buy and sell.
And the English People, if they desire protection in my country, whatever their desire may be, I approve of it. And if they desire to sail away from my country. I approve; let no one forbid them thus to sail. But if anyone has any claim upon them, or if they are indebted to anyone, let them not sail until they have paid or until the judge has decided their cases; and when their cases are decided, they may sail. Now as for this order which I command, for trading and buying and selling with the valuables which they have brought to my country, let them no longer fear of suspect. And ye shall not take tithes from any of the merchants who are in their ships, nor from any of the English people.
And as for all the English people who come to my country and anchor their ships in the sea of Acheen and in Sumatra and in the countries subject ot Acheen, if a storm comes down upon their ships and they are afraid that their ships will be wrecked for the violence of the storm, should they desire to discharge all the ships cargo, and request assistance from you, asking for small vessels and sampans to discharge all the valuables in the ships which are about to be wrecked for the violence of the storm, ye shall assist them to discharge their valuables as far as possible. And when their valuables reach the shore, ye shall restore the valuables to those that own them. If they voluntarily give you anything due to you for discharging the above – mentioned valuables, ye shall receive it.
And if anyone of the English people shall die, and while he is sick unto death shall give an order to anyone to send his possessions and the possessions of the people whom (which?) he has brought, and shall order them to be delivered to his relatives and to the owners of the possessions, ye shall hold his will valid. And if anyone of the English people shall die, his property shall go to some English merchant, or to some other merchant; the property shall be determined as belonging to the person, his associate in trade and buying and selling; ye shall give judgment according to the law of the country.
And if any Englishman go to law, their charges being one against the other of against some other person, ye shall give judgment according to the laws of the pople ot the country.”
Terjemahan :
“Saya raja yang memerintah di (negeri-negeri) bawah angin dan yang menduduki tahkta Kerajaan Aceh dan Sumatra dan semua negeri yang takluk kepada Aceh. Barangsiapa melihat surat ini harus (melakukannya) dengan iktikad baik dan damai, dan mendengarkan isinya dan memahaminya seluruhnya.
Saya telah berkenan memberi keterangan sebagai berikut ini: -- Saya telah menjalin persahabatan dengan rakyat Raja Inggris sebagaimana kamu sekalian bersahabat dengan seluruh umat manusia di dunia; maka kamu akan memperlakukan mereka dengan baik sebagaimana kamu baik terhadap orang lain. Karena saya baik terhadap mereka dan saya menerima mereka di negeri saya dan menerima pemberian mereka dan saya anggap mereka dengan baik, sebab saya ingin baik terhadap seluruh rakyatnya, saya perlakukan dengan baik mereka yang datang sekarang, dan (sedemikian pula) mereka yang bakal datang nanti. Saya janjikan kepercayaan saya kepada mereka yang datang ke Aceh dan Sumatra supaya mereka tidak lagi akan merasa khawatir mengenai kapal-kapal mereka dan milik mereka dan segala barang harta yang mereka bawa, dan mereka tidak akan takut atau ragu-ragu terhadap saya. Adapun kamu rakyatku sekalian, apabila mereka bawa barang harta dari negeri mereka ke negeri saya ini, kamu akan berjual beli dengan mereka dan akan menukarkan barang harta yang kamu miliki dengan barang harta mereka; sebagaimana kamu berdagang dan tukar menukar dengan bangsa-bangsa lain menurut perjanjian mereka dengan semua orang asing untuk berjual-beli lada dan membeli harta lain, demikian pula kamu akan berdagang dengan rakyat Inggris dan akan berjual beli dengan mereka.
Adapun bangsa Inggris, jika menginginkan perlindungan di negeri saya, apa pun keinginan mereka saya izinkan. Dan jika mereka ingin berlayar meninggalkan negeri saya, saya mengizinkannya; jangan ada yang melarang mereka berlayar. Tetapi jika ada seseorang yang harus menuntut sesuatu dari mereka, atau jika ada seorang yang harus menuntut sesuatu dari mereka, atau jika mereka mempunyai hutang kepada seseorang, jangan membiarkan mereka berlayar sebelum mereka lunasi hutang itu atau sebelum hakim memutuskan perkara mereka; dan setelah perkara mereka putus, mereka boleh berlayar. Maka sekarang melihat perintah yang saya berikan ini mengenai hal berdaganga dan memperjual belikan harta yang telah mereka bawa ke negeri saya, hendaknya mereka tidak lagi takut-takut atau ragu-ragu. Dan kamu jangan memungut unsure dari pedagang manapun yang berada di kapal mereka, juga tidak dari orang Inggris mana pun.
Adapun semua orang Inggris yang datang ke negeri saya dan berlabuh di Laut Aceh atau di Sumatra atau di negeri-negeri yang takluk kepada Aceh, jika kapal mereka diserang badai dan mereka khawatir kapal-kapal mereka akan karam karena dahsyatnya badai, dan seandainya mereka ingin menurunkan muatan kapal-kapal mereka dan minta bantuanmu dengan kapal-kapal kecil atau perahu-perahu untuk menurunkan semua barang harta di kapal-kapal yang mau karam itu karena dahsyatnya badai, maka kamu harus membantu mereka dalam menurunkan barang harta mereka sedapat mungkin. Dan apabila barang harya mereka sudah sampai di darat, kamu harus mengembalikan barang harta itu kepada yang empunya. Jika mereka dengan sukarela memberika apa-apa karena kamu ikut menurunkan barang harta tersebut, kamu harus menerimanya.
Dan jika ada orang Inggris meninggal dunia, dan waktu sudah sampai ajalnya ua memerintahkan siapa pun juga supaya harta miliknya dan milik anak buahnya yang dibawanya, dikirim kembali dan memerintahkan supaya disampaikan kepada keluarganya dan kepada pemilik-pemilik barang itu, kamu harus menganggap sah surat wasiatnya. Dan jika ada orang Inggris meninggal, miliknya harus diberikan kepada sala seorang pedagang Inggris atau kepada pedagang lain; miliknya harus diputuskan menjadi milik orang yang menjadi rekannya dalam perdagangan; kamu harus memutuskan menurut hukum negeri.
Dan jika ada orang Inggris yang membawa perkara ke pengadilan, dan tuntutan mereka terhadap sebangsanya atau terhadap orang lain kamu akan menghukum sesuai dengan hukum anak negeri.”
Berdasarkan surat ini, maka keuntungan yang diperoleh pedagang Inggris sangat besar diberikan Sultan Aceh. Mereka dibebaskan dari usur, hak tawanan karang dan dari hak raja atas warisan. Akan tetapi mereka tidak memiliki hak khusus sebagai orang asing. Bagi pedagang Inggris yang melanggar aturan, mereka diadili sesuai hukum Aceh.
Namun sayangnya surat ini bukan surat asli Sultan Aceh yang diberikan kepada Lancaster. Di penutup surat sama sekali tidak ada tanda tangan dan bubuhan stempel layaknya sebuah surat kerajaan. Diperkirakan, surat ini merupakan salinan pada masa itu sementara surat aslinya tidak diketahui lagi kemana.[]
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